- August 2016- Alenka is the PI on 9.4 M DARPA LADS contract CAMELIA (Computational Activity Monitoring by Externally Leveraging Involuntary Analog Signals) that focuses on developing a technique to efficiently monitor IoT device EM emissions without interfering with the device’s functions.
- http://www.vocativ.com/348833/darpa-refrigerator-hackers/
- https://www.ece.gatech.edu/news/556931/monitoring-side-channel-signals-could-detect-malicious-software-iot-devices
- http://www.zdnet.com/search/?q=Zajic
- June 2015 – Dr. Zajic was invited to participate in the 5G Millimeter Wave Channel Model Alliance. This effort started in July 2015 and is still ongoing, It is led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and its goal is to get together industry, academia, and government organizations to develop more accurate, consistent and predictive channel models for frequencies above 6 GHz, and to lead the standardization process. Dr. Zajic was invited because of her recent publications on measurements and channel modeling at THz frequencies and is currently chairing a group for indoor measurements and modeling.
- January 2015- Dr. Zajic’s research on how modulated EM emanations from modern computers (e.g., laptops and desktops) can be created by executing seemingly innocuous code, and that thousands of bits per second can be transmitted this way to distances of at least several meters and even through a wall had recent news coverage in several online publications [1]-[11] and in print newspapers and magazines (such as Atlanta Journal Constitution, Georgia Tech Research Horizons) which helped inform the public about side channels and computer security issues in general.
- Coffee Shop Hackers Can Snoop – Even When You Are Not On The Internet: 2015. http://www.science20.com/news_articles/coffee_shop_hackers_can_snoop_even_when_you_are_not_on_the_internet-152081. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- Countering a New Class of Coffee Shop Hackers: 2015. http://www.pddnet.com/news/2015/01/countering-new-class-coffee-shop-hackers. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- Countering a new class of coffee shop hackers: 2015. http://www.rdmag.com/videos/2015/01/countering-new-class-coffee-shop-hackers. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- How Coffee Shop Hackers Steal Data From Your Computer’s Tiny Electronic Signals – Popular Mechanics: 2015. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/gadgets/tech-news/georgia-tech-cybersecurity-coffee-shop-hackers-17613883#articleCommentsContainer. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- It’s Getting Easier for Hackers to Spy on Your Computer When It’s Offline: 2015. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-hackers-could-steal-your-passwords-with-a-wireless-antenna. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- New breed of cyber criminal spies on your laptop by listening to signals even when it’s OFFLINE: 2015. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2903261/Beware-coffee-shop-hacker-New-breed-cyber-criminal-spies-laptop-listening-signals-s-OFFLINE.html#ixzz3OKUVx8sZ. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- Phones vulnerable even when transmitters are off: 2015. http://www.electronicsweekly.com/news/research/phones-vulnerable-even-transmitters-2015-01/. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- Researchers work to counter a new class of coffee shop hackers: 2015. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150108083708.htm. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- Using spellcheck? Electromagnetic fields could reveal what you’re doing | Computerworld: 2015. http://www.computerworld.com/article/2865304/using-spellcheck-electromagnetic-fields-could-reveal-what-youre-doing.html. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- Using spellcheck? Electromagnetic fields could reveal your writing | ITworld: 2015. http://www.itworld.com/article/2867155/using-spellcheck-electromagnetic-fields-could-reveal-your-writing.html. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- Using spellcheck? Electromagnetic fields could reveal your writing to snoops | PCWorld: 2015. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2867152/using-spellcheck-electromagnetic-fields-could-reveal-your-writing.html. Accessed: 2015-01-10.
- 22 May 2014 – Alenka gave an invited talk by France chapter of IEEE MTT-S and APS at UPMC, Sorbonne University.
- 15 October 2014- Alenka gave an invited talk at Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center, host Dr. Fiebig.
- Alenka has been named a recipient of the Best Student Paper Award at the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics, held July 30-August 1 in Da Nang, Vietnam. She received this award with her coauthors Meisam Naderi and Matthias Patzold, a Ph.D. student and professor, respectively, from the University of Agder in Norway.
- Spring 2013 – Alenka Zajic, Mobile-to-Mobile Wireless Channels, Artech House, Boston MA has been published. http://www.artechhouse.com/Main/Books/MobiletoMobile-Wireless-Channels-2006.aspx
- 9/2012 – “Wideband MIMO Mobile-to-Mobile Channels: Geometry-Based Statistical Modeling With Experimental Verification,” co-authored by Zajić, Alenka G.; Stüber, Gordon L.; Pratt, Thomas G. and Nguyen, Son T., published in the Transactions on Vehicular Technology , Vol. 58, No2, Feb. 2009, has been awarded the Neal Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation Paper Award.